Hope is real.
Help is available.
Recovery is possible.
You are not alone.

“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God” (Isaiah 40:1).

Our approach

Mighty Oak is a nonprofit organization that provides quality mental health services that operate from within a Christian lens. Providers at Mighty Oak recognize how faith fuels hope. If desired, providers at Mighty Oak can implement Christian faith-based components into any service provided. While we understand that not everyone who receives services from Mighty Oak will share our same faith, it is our hope that through Mighty Oak people can find a place of refuge during seasons of struggle, develop strong roots that allow them to weather future storms, and receive mental health care that empowers them to grow and ultimately thrive. Let Mighty Oak help connect you to a provider who can assist you with any mental health needs. Providers are available to see you in-person or online.

Our services

  • Therapy

  • Mental Health Trainings

  • Licensure Supervision

  • Prepare + Enrich

Why therapy?

According to a study completed by Mental Health America, nearly 23% of American adults experienced mental illness in 2021-2022. For youth who experienced major depression, 56% did not receive any mental health treatment. When it comes to substance use, nearly 18% of adults experienced a substance use disorder and nearly 9% of youth experienced a substance use disorder. Of the adults reporting a substance use disorder over three-quarters did not receive treatment. This suggests that many adults are suffering alone. When it comes to mental health challenges and access to care, Tennessee ranked 23rd for adults and 46th for youth (higher numbers indicate that Tennessee has a higher prevalence of mental illness with lower rates of access to care). In the U.S. there are 340 individuals in need of mental health services for every 1 mental health provider; however, for Tennessee the ratio is 560:1. Mighty Oak was created in hopes of improving both access to care and the mental health of those served. For more information on The State of Mental Health in America 2024 report visit Mental Health America.


In-person and remote options

Our office is currently inside the Harvest Baptist Association located at 2106 Park Plaza Drive, Springfield, TN 37172. Telehealth options are available if needed.

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

— Galatians 6:10 ESV

Get started with Mighty Oak Christian Mental Health Services today.