Client Portal

For existing clients of Mighty Oak Christian Mental Health Services. If you are an existing client and need access to the Client Portal please notify our office.

Important Documents
Mighty Oak Clients

This page contains various documents that are important for those who pursue mental health services at Mighty Oak or are an existing client of Mighty Oak.

  • Mental Health Screening

    Online screening is a simple and quick method for determining whether you are experiencing signs and symptoms indicative of a mental health condition.

    For a FREE online screening visit Mental Health America and take a mental health test.

    Results of this screening are meant to direct you and are not an official mental health diagnosis from a trained clinician.

  • Notice of Privacy Practices

    This notice describes how Protected Health Information (PHI) about you may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to this information.

  • Client's Rights and Responsibilities

    This notices helps clients understand and exercise their rights and responsibilities. Clients who are informed are better able to ensure that services received meet their needs.

  • Consent for Treatment

    This notice acts as a formal agreement between clients served and Mighty Oak. This document describes Mighty Oak’s scope of practice, limits of confidentiality, parameters of the professional relationship, fee agreement, and cancellation policy.

  • Good Faith Estimate

    Under Section 2799B-6 of the Public Health Service Act, health care facilities are required to inform individuals who are not enrolled in a plan or coverage or a Federal health care program, or not seeking to file a claim with their plan or coverage both orally and in writing of their ability, upon request or at the time of scheduling health care items and services, to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” of expected charges.