
Adolescence is a time during which children experience a significant amount of growth and development. While each individual will experience nuances with this growth and development, there are some things that are common among all young people. Adolescence is typically marked by the start of puberty and continues until adulthood. The age range for adolescence is often defined by an adolescent’s culture. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescence as the “phase of life between childhood and adulthood, from ages 10 to 19.” For the purpose of differentiation, this page contains information specific to young people between 10 and 13 years of age. To review additional information associated with the full age range defined as adolescence, please visit the section dedicated to teenagers as well.

During this phase of life some of this growth and development can be easily observed such as changes in their physical appearance. However, some of these changes are more difficult to observe. Adolescence experience changes in their brain development (ex. increased cognitive functioning), biological/chemical changes (ex. production of hormones, metabolism, etc.), emotional changes (ex. intensification of emotions, rapidly shifting emotions, increased awareness to the emotions of others, etc.), and individuation. All of these changes, while often typical, can be perplexing to both the adolescents and the caring adults in their life.

It is important to monitor the impact that these changes have on the young person and seek appropriate support as needed.