Substance Abuse Prevention

The teenage years are a period of time during which many young people experiment with different things on their way to forming their own identity. Some youth explore changes to their appearance, hobbies they pursue, new relationships (both romantic and platonic), and other areas of interest. This is also the time period during which many young people are first introduced to alcohol and drugs. Young people are often unaware of how these moments of substance misuse contribute to ongoing substance abuse and other negative outcomes. This is one of the reasons why substance abuse prevention is so important during these formative years.

The Tennessee REDLINE is a resource for substance misuse treatment referrals.  Anyone can call or text 800-889-9789 for confidential referrals. This resources if available 24/7, 365 days a year. Click here to learn more information about the Tennessee REDLINE.

Are you concerned that your young person may be using drugs? The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services provides warning signs of drug abuse. Click here to learn more about warning signs of drug abuse.

Are you concerned that your young person may be using alcohol? The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services provides warning signs of alcohol abuse. Click here to learn more about warning signs of alcohol abuse.

Co-Occurring Disorders

When individuals have at least one mental health diagnosis along with a substance use disorder this is referred to as having a co-occurring disorder.

The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services maintains a list of providers who are able to treat young people with co-occurring disorders. Click here to review a list of providers.

Substance Abuse Treatment

You are not alone. Help is available. Recovery is possible.


The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services maintains a list of providers who are able to treat adults with co-occurring disorders. Click here to review a list of providers.