The journey may be long, but it all started with one step in the right direction. Take that step now.
— Stephanie Evans, Executive Director

What can I expect next?


Schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation!

You’ll be asked a few general questions to help determine if Mighty Oak is the best fit to meet your mental health needs.


Schedule an intake evaluation.

If Mighty Oak is the best fit to meet your mental health needs an intake evaluation will be scheduled. During this appointment your provider will gather important information to better understand your current mental health needs and collaborate with you to establish treatment goals.


Complete documents for your provider.

Once an intake evaluation has been scheduled, you will receive an email to complete additional documents via the patient portal. Please be sure to complete this documentation prior to your scheduled appointment.

What can I expect during the therapeutic process?

  • The initial intake allows for your provider to learn more about you and for you to learn more about the services that you will receive at Mighty Oak. During the initial intake, your provider will gather additional information about your presenting mental health concerns, your family dynamics and history, your mental and physical health history, and the goals that you hope to achieve through therapy. The initial intake is also a great opportunity for you to ask questions to determine if Mighty Oak is the best resource to meet your unique needs. If Mighty Oak is unable to meet your needs, additional referrals will be provided.

  • Treatment planning is you and your provider collaborating on the care you will receive from Mighty Oak. This collaboration allows for your unique treatment needs to be identified and a plan developed for how Mighty Oak can best meet those needs. Providers may recommend specific treatment modalities, interventions, and frequency of services to ensure your needs are being met. Specific treatment modalities, interventions, and frequency of services are subject to change based on the individual's needs. Should your needs change, your provider may revisit the treatment plan during one of your regularly scheduled therapy sessions for any modifications needed.

  • Therapy sessions vary in terms of frequency and duration. You and your provider will collaborate to determine the frequency and duration that will best meet your needs. Often, individuals who are just beginning services will be seen more frequently and for a longer duration. As symptoms improve and needs are met, you may experience sessions shorter in duration and longer gaps in between services.

    Therapy sessions are scheduled in 30, 45, and 60 minute increments. However, please note that your provider may end your session a few minutes early if the session is coming to a natural point of closure. Insurance allows providers to bill in the following time increments: 16 - 37 minutes, 38 - 52 minutes, and 53+ minutes so should your session end a few minutes early this should not impact any fees associated with your scheduled appointment.

    One of the biggest factors in achieving positive outcomes through therapy is the rapport you have with your treatment provider. It is important that you feel comfortable and safe with your treatment provider. Comfortability may be subjective. For example, shoes all have a similar function and purpose...but they may look different on the outside in terms of their structure, color, and design...they may also utilize different supports based on their understanding of what the individual wearing the shoe needs/prefers...however, they are all designed to function for a similar purpose. Whether or not a shoe fits you is determined by your own comfortability, needs, and preferences. When a particular shoe doesn't "fit" (for whatever the reason), we typically seek out a different shoe. We very rarely stop wearing shoes all together. Keep this analogy in mind as you begin pursuing mental health services. The first provider you try may not be the best "fit" for you. It's okay if this happens. Just let your provider know, and they can assist you in identifying another provider who may be a better "fit" for you. We encourage you not to give up on counseling all together. There are providers out there that may be a better "fit" for you.

  • At some point, it is our hope that through therapy and the individual work you do that you are able to achieve your treatment goals. When this time comes, your provider will discuss with you the process for ending Mighty Oak's services. However, just know that if symptoms return and need arises, you may return to Mighty Oak to re-engage services. Please note that if services are ended and the need arises for you to re-engage in treatment that a new intake evaluation and treatment plan will be completed.

  • When it comes to couple's counseling, please note that the couple is the provider's client. The provider collaborates with the couple to identify the couple's unique needs and goals for treatment. The provider will work with the couple to develop a treatment plan that will best meet the couple's treatment goals. Occasionally, the provider may meet with one part of the couple separately but this most often occurs at the beginning of pre-marital/marital counseling to better understand each individual within the couple. Should one part of the couple benefit from individual therapy, a referral for individual services will be provided. The therapist who provides your couple's counseling is unable to provide individual therapy as individuals often have unique needs in addition to the couple's needs.

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