Healthy Dating Relationships

  • Love Worth Finding Ministries provides us with 7 keys to a healthy relationship from a Biblical perspective: love, humility, service, patience, acceptance, affection, and forgiveness. These characteristics likely contribute to both trust and safety within the relationship.

    In addition to this list, Love Worth Finding Ministries also provides us with warning signs of an unhealthy relationship from a Biblical perspective: abuse, bitterness, lack of love, excessive anger, gossip, unfaithfulness, and criticism are those included.

  • Whether it is a friendship or a dating relationship, any relationship has the capacity to be toxic. To learn more about characteristics of a toxic relationship review the section found in the Healthy Friendships section.

    Repairing a toxic relationship is possible, but it does require that both individuals in the relationship recognize the toxicity and work on changing the toxic behaviors. This is often something that requires additional support and help from professional mental health service providers or pastoral counselors.

  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline website provides a wealth of information on abusive relationships, the warning signs of abuse, power and control as it relates to abuse, how you can plan for safety, and a 24-hour hotline for those who are in an abusive relationship and need help.

    If you need help call 1-800-799-7233, chat, or text START to 88788.

  • “Relationships thrive when there is understanding. Let us provide the insights to help get you there.” ~Prepare-Enrich Website

    If you and your significant other are beginning to prepare for that next step in your relationship (i.e. marriage) then the Prepare-Enrich progam may be helpful.

    Providers at Mighty Oak are trained in the Prepare-Enrich program and can utilize it’s unique assesssment and tools to help equip you and your significant other so that you are better prepared for that next phase in your relationship. Contact Mighty Oak to get connected with the Prepare-Enrich program.